jueves, 29 de enero de 2015

"Living Things: Life Cycle (Different Stages of Life)"

Animals, plants and people are living things. 
Living things are born, they grow, they reproduce and they die

Let's see what happens: 

Now, watch this video:

"Grow a Flower: Flower Seed Sale at the Garden Shop"

Let's help them grow a flower. Click on the door of the Garden Shop. 

We will plant a: 

A blue bell

A red rose

A snap dragon

A white daisy

A pink poppy

domingo, 18 de enero de 2015

"Plants Rap"

Do you like rap songs?. Sing this rap about plants!. 

"Parts of a Plant" (Game)

This is a plant. Match the right label to the right places. Check the answers. 

"Sparkly the Alien" (Game)

Can you help Sparky the Alien with these activities on growing plants?.

Do these activities: 

Activity 1: Can you put th plant back together?.
Activity 2:Can you match the flowers to their shadows?.
Activity 3: Can you label the plant?.
Activity 4: Can you help the seed grow?.

Activity 5: Can you put the life cycle pictures in the right place?.

domingo, 11 de enero de 2015

"Water the Plant to Help it Grow" (Game)

Plants need water. Water the plant to help it grow. Then, see what happens if you don't water the plant. 

"Plants and Animals in the Local Environment" (Game)

Let's play this game!. Read and listen to the instructions.

Click on all the plants and animals you can see in this picture. Can you colletc all eight living things? . Then, drag the plants and animals into the right spaces to show where you found them. 

"Time Lapse Dandelion Flower" (Video)

This is a time lapse dandelion flower to seed head /dandelion clock filmed continuously over a period of one month.

The dandelion flower opens to greet the morning and closes in the evening to go to sleep.

Every part of the dandelion is useful: root, leaves, flower. It can be used for food, medicine and dye for coloring.

sábado, 10 de enero de 2015

"The Needs of an Animal "(Song for kids about 4 things animals need to survive)

This is a song about the four needs of an animal. 

1. Food
2. Water
3. Shelter
4. Air

"Needs of Living Things"

Living beings need few basic things for living and survival.Four of these basic needs are air,water,food and shelter.

"Living and Nonliving Things" (Lesson for kids)

Animals and plants are living things. Living things are born, they grow, they reproduce and they die.

Non-living things are not alive. 

Watch this video to understand the diferences!. Pay attention. 


Unit 3: "Living Things" (Seres Vivos)

Empezamos la unidad 3 de Natural Science. Esta unidad tiene por título "Living Things" ("Los Seres Vivos") y en ella vuestros hijos/as aprenderán: 

  • Diferencias entre los seres vivos y los seres inertes. 
  • El ciclo vital de los seres vivos. 
  • La relación ente los seres humanos y las plantas y animales, y el cuidado de estos. 
  • Las diferencias entre animales y plantas. 
  • Primeras aproximaciones a la actividad y el método científico. Uso de distintas fuentes de información (directas e indirectas). Uso de las tecnologías de la información. 
  • Primeras aproximaciones a los experimentos e investigaciones sencillas. 
  • Trabajo individual y en grupo.